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iScience Notes

A Science Video Journal

Editorial process

The editor’s final decision is mostly based on a 10 points scoring system. Manuscripts will normally be accepted and recommend- ed for publication after revision if the manuscript scores more than 6 out of 10. The journal editor looks for the following featu- res in the prospective submitted manuscripts in order to be successful:

Points 1-5 ensures scientific integrity:

  1. Scientifically sound: Y/N (1 / 0)
  2. Self-explanatory Figures : Y / N (1/0)
  3. Clear Explanation of Mechanism: Y / N (1/0)
  4. Reviewers Recommendation: Y / N (1/0)
  5. Adequate Supplementary Support: Y / N (1/0) // 0 for no supplementary support

Essential to qualify for publication:

  1. New Possible Applications : Y / N (1/0)
  2. Better than State-of-Art Technique : Y / N (1/0)
  3. New Concepts/Ideas: Y / N (1 /0)
  4. Results obtained for the first time : Y / N (1/0)
  5. Recommended as a noteworthy work in the field by the handling editor : Y / N (1/0)

[ Note: 1 = YES and 0 = NO for the above criteria. Any manuscript that satisfies one of the last 5 points (6-10) is worthy of publication in iScience Notes and more points may qualify for Online Focus Article. The first 5 points in the criteria above ensures that the manuscript is scientifically accurate. ]

Editor's Decision Type : Publish after revision / Reject / Editorial Reject

In case the decision is "Publish after revision", the authors will be given 1-2 weeks to revise and resubmit the manuscript. Revised manuscript must be accompanied by a "response letter" that contains the response to reviewer's / handling editor's comments.